few months ago we came back and slowly began to return to normal, allowing us to do with a little perspective the months we've been out and the life that awaits us here.
Everyone tells us we do not complain and not take away the "bailao" but when you make a trip of this sort should give you a leaflet showing the side effects.
Among these, we highlight the total boredom almost every single day of normal, speed the passage of time measured on weekends and feel like the time you are out of hand.
When you take a couple of weeks of travel seems to take a year, on are long for all the experiences and feel that the time you go through is much more than has actually happened. On the way back do not think anyone has spent time and escape the days you could not do anything about it. And you wonder. Will it always be so apra?
still refuse to believe that we are back again and is perhaps why I still dream in which we travel and keep some hope to go sometime. Meanwhile we still have the photos and blog, every day is going out like our memories and dreams.
So, taking advantage of the cold drop recinte has fallen, we'll put some pictures of rain we have been caught there. Images
first day in Buenos Aires, but a bad job.
In New Zealand it rained recently, so we decided to put us in a cloud ...
Without doubt the best was the one that caught us in Melbourne, the kind that makes a great sun and then goes to pour. The best part is that since the streets are flooded, not to get your feet wet, you take off your shoes and walk. Not bad, the feeling of walking barefoot through the streets, noticing in the foot with a thin layer of car oil, smear and to know what else ...
In Queensland we decided we wanted regarnos a bit and we put us under waterfalls to hang out. Of the storm that caught us post no pictures, because we were too busy running through the mud.
Here you soak test
In Asia it rained some, but not get rid of the odd dip.
course, in the end we had to buy some umbrella ...
That nostalgia ...
is hard to see as the freedom found for several months (albeit fictional) disappears, you return to your hands and feet caught by invisible chains. Every night when I close my eyes I try to remember sensations experienced sadness invades me. It's when then sleep, why not? There is always hope to repeat or at least change something you do not feel there will always be. I am not satisfied, I will not. I refuse to do this but not how to avoid it.
And after this note as optimistic by the day has finally come to close the blog of our trip around the world and make a point and followed in our lives.
(not me and I created, there is always some excuse to hang some nice pictures. We have a project in hand to expand the blog and collect experiences to help travelers around the world)
But first, we like to show you a few more pictures (of the million and a half we have).
A nice picture of a glacier not so pretty. New Zealand is
And that we have not yet gone into space ...
Remembrance Melbourne. Nice weekend
near our house host. Beautiful Christmas in Sydney
Another destination that would go without question. San Pedro Atacama in Chile
gift of kings. Four days in a small hotel on the beach in Thailand. Phew, that stress
The following is not even needed to explain
It was a bitterly cold wind, but the spectacular lagoon we saw in Bolivia.
KOA baptism.
Finally we put some short videos shot during the trip.
An elephant ride in Chiang Mai
The Symphony of Lights Hong Kong
And I can not resist returning to the leap into the void
Until next