I keep wondering what input time we put on the blog and could not think of any. We could put more photos (because we have to bore) and have a few anecdotes, but no. Today we will try to teach and learn some recipes, or have told us or we have taken the Internet, but we have always tasted.
But first, we send a big hug to Pilar and Sam, with whom we spent a weekend in Madrid. Are a couple who gave their round the world before us and his wonderful blog was a source of inspiration for this, and Of course we served as a guide. It was a nice weekend of memories of past experiences. Certainly the link to your blog you have it below in the list of links. Maybe the best travel blog.
But what we were. I thought that we have not talked a lot about something we carry in our memories and that is a wonderful pleasure. The food we tried and we have cooked or cooked. So we'll leave you to try some recipes for cooking if you feel like I'm going to try to secure (some have already been done better or worse luck).
If you want we can start on a specialty of the house. GREEN CURRY WITH CHICKEN And coconut milk.
Awesome Thai dish, easy to make and easy to find ingredients. It is a dish that can sting a bit if you spend, but it's really great.
My recipe is as follows:
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon
. Green curry paste (sell at any grocery store china)
1 boat - cooking coconut milk (same as above)
+ - 250 gr-chicken pieces (I put chicken breast)
mixed vegetables. I usually put carrots, mushrooms or eggplant.
The recipe calls for more, such as lime etc ..., but since the meeting, with the ingredients above is pretty good. Thai or basmati rice
Put in a pan a wooden spoon green curry sauce (careful itchy, may be filled not much).
When warmed, putting him a half can of coconut milk (the boat is usually 400 ml).
Let it boil a little while just mix the coconut milk with curry. When mixed, put in the remaining coconut milk. Bring to a boil. Then you add the chicken breast. A slow fire will cook the meat.
When done, pour 1 / 2 cup water (maybe a little less) and vegetables. Allow to simmer until vegetables are done. It takes a lot, may be about 45 minutes or less.
Moreover Thai rice is done.
dish is served on a rice and curry sauce another, and is mixed to taste.
With these amounts given for 2 people and left over. For four people something more than chicken and vegetables and almost two cans of coconut milk.
This recipe is copied from internet, but it will be my next attempt. The truth is that it is a delicious dish, so what you have to try.
Ingredients: For the stock
water 2 tablespoons fish sauce (optional) 1 piece of ginger
3 shallots 1 onion
veal shank bones 1 piece skirt
2 star anise 1 cinnamon stick 1 cardamom
3 cloves
soup of rice noodles tenderloin
The green part of an onion
Bean Sprouts Fresh Basil Fresh Cilantro
onion into very thin julienne sliced \u200b\u200bred Chile
1 lime, quartered
Hoisin Sauce Sauces
Chile Sauce Soy Sauce
Preparation: Wrap the ginger , shallots and onions in foil. We put in the oven 20 minutes at 200 degrees. The peel.
broth as you normally prepare it do. Boil the bones, skirt, spice, and toasted the three ingredients. Let cook gently, skimming, until the broth is hearty and skirt tierna.Colamos broth. Discard bones, spices, and onions, shallots and ginger.
Boil noodles as directed and we escurrimos.Cortamos the tenderloin into strips as thin as possible. If necessary, they freeze a few minutes earlier.
To make the soup: In a large bowl (per person) put a few boiled noodles, scallions, chunks of boiled skirt and some slices of "carpaccio" of lomo.Mojamos with a bucket of boiling broth (the spine crude cook very slightly).
serve the sauce and side dish with cilantro, basil, bean sprouts, chile, onion and seasoning you can lima.Cada their Pho with ingredients and sauces of your choice.
As you see, was not written by me (I think it shows), but if it goes as I remember the dish is scrumptious.
long to do so, we leave it for today. Next week, we will post the recipe for kiwi sauce to accompany meat (I still can not just okay) and a drink mix whose raw material is the Pims.
Well, nothing, because we are tired, but not as much as the next picture:)