Todai-ji is the largest wooden building in the world. This in Nara, Kyoto city with more cultural heritage preserved throughout Japan. We're not quite put into what is referred to Japanese architecture, so we strolled through the city more than anything to make a stop on the way between Kyoto and Osaka. We were the deer, taken by messengers of the gods, and now walk among tourists looking for some food.
Signs warn you not to give them food, but it is inevitable ...
And is that all will announce it here with pictures and munyecos. It's like being stuck in a fantasy world.
cartels buses.
And we could not resist the temptation to get hooked to it will be the substitute Sudoku!
a logic game in which a combination of numbers and square, appears Picachu.
Already in Osaka, we have returned to live what is to be in a big city. People, hurry, lights, tall buildings ...
And above all, what more wins here: the arcade.
some with slot machines so eye-catching.
Thanks to Noriko, our host for a few days, we also left a bit of chaos in the city to see the Sakura, a Japanese word that refers to early spring. Look how beautiful.
Manyana try to catch up and tell our visit to Hiroshima and Miyajima. See you soon!
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