Thanks Joni. It would be another good title for one of the latest blog entries, as this girl from Hong Kong that we host these last 3 days, has to see the city differently. We got rid of the most boring couple that should exist in the universe known and unknown and other dimensions, to enjoy life in a city that has much to say.
We leave for the last time with an outstanding dinner at the home of the aunt of our new host, as well as we gather to eat paella on Sundays, meet here for dinner with close friends, and turned out to be an incredible experience . There we got the three, the home of his aunt, and we are at about 7 sangria made people look for them. After dinner resulted not only delicious, but above treated us really well. And since then everything has gotten better.
These last days we did things we had outstanding, as the ascent to the Peak, where you have some incredible views, and of course what we do best here. BUY!!
A city where the shops are closed at one of the Manyana and you can find everything. It is much cheaper than Espanya, but hey, it's impossible not to buy anything.
Well, say we are enjoying the great food and cheap and recoated parts of the city that until today had we resisted. At least we managed to enjoy our last days and so did not think much in return ...
But one thing we can not forget. Manyana it flew to Paris, and we run this. That is why, that maybe something is good summary (please, do not durmais, and if you do not hear ... that you ronqueis)
In Asia we get positive and negative things. We get an impression of Japan, and perhaps some disappointment, as the people of Hanoi. And to continue the kind of insightful commentary, saying that it is Asia's most incredible ... Diesel is the brand that most imitated by excellence (do not know how you can earn money), and the media star par excellence is Doraemon (which for his fans, saying that the translation in Japanese, is the cat who loves to eat dorayakis ").
End summary. You see as there has been so heavy? Well here comes
Toston. We have always tried to maintain a neutral narrative, for who do not know who wrote each entry, so here we will customize a bit. Let's make a questionnaire for you to know pequenyo which have been the best and worst things.
1. Best country visited?
Ana: Chile, Bolivia and Japan
Dani: Chile and Bolivia
2. Best place in particular?
Ana: Salar de Uyuni
Dani: Salar de Uyuni, no doubt. If you post us back the box, there we have a bit of salt.
3. Best people
Ana: The ninya of Battambang. The Japanese, always so right, always so funny.
Dani: The Japs are crazy, and Chilean.
4. Worst of all, city or country
Ana: Worst place? the mad house that we stayed for one night in Bangkok! the bus to cross the border from Cambodia to Vietnam, full of cockroaches. Worst city, Hanoi, of course, that loooooong time I did there.
Dani: As Valdivia city, but if we add to the Vietnamese and the city impossible, Hanoi.
5. Ana
worst people: All those who have Chinese ancestors! Nooooo, I feel bad, only those who are rude.
Dani: I've said it before. The North Vietnamese. I say no more, why not, but I desahogare watching Rambo.
6. Best food dish or more good
Ana: Green curry, pad Thai, clams parmesan and Chilean ceviche, empanadas from Argentina, tooooodooo! I know that fatter truth?
Dani: As surprising, kiwi sauce. And food in general, China is leaving me stunned.
7. The same but in reverse.
Ana: Worst food? insects that ate some crazy tourists in Cambodia fortunately we have not tested. Dani
: Australians and New Zealanders have no idea of \u200b\u200beating. That slut. And as a side dish, hated both the Vietnamese soup if I think it makes me want to vomit. And the country that I like ...
8. Better time, or better memories.
Ana: I can count it in person.
Dani: Very difficult, perhaps in time anyadir many. But maybe in Chile with Cris and Javi, and the trip to Uyuni with Francesc, Adela and others. And also when the Sonchek just around Uyuni, we take all the potatoes and other left over from the trip. Koalas with Lydia and George, the match against the Koreans and ... too much. It has been many people as Braulina, Alex and others. All day had some incredible times.
9. We want to return?
Ana: Win win ... morrinya sometimes illusion to see you and grief because it reaches the end ...
Dani: A little, but I would return to play Euromillions, and go back.
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