Vargas Llosa, indigenous and intellectually Argentina Hugo Blanco is a peasant leader, referring to the political and indigenous struggle in Latin America. In September last year in Buenos Aires was presenting his book "We Indians," also directed "Indian Fight" monthly newspaper indigenismo situation in Latin America. transcribed in November, this blog, Hugo Blanco's letter to Vargas Llosa, you see, the debate about the role that , the intellectual and cultural ideological struggle for emancipation and sovereignty of the people does not begin in Argentina, much less a result of his Nobel prize presentation or star in the Book Fair. The battle against the cultural oppression are taking a long time (centuries) those suffering from the domination of the dominant culture, it was time to open this debate in Argentina: the intellectual, power, culture, etc.
This discussion about the presence of Vargas Llosa moved us closer to the self-styled intellectuals in Argentina, with its discursive weaknesses, contradictions and even a hint of nationalism. Horacio González
installing an unwelcome debate on the whim of a few hours (it was just before or just after the talk the coach) JP Feinmann to answer about an alleged occurrence of Borges says, at least it was Argentine ! instantly after reviewing the sentence of xenophobic asshole retracts (it was asshole that does not intervene if you're illiterate or not, but a little common sense counsel Birth & pop these days), saying that Gonzalez Caparrós load on the state apparatus Vargas llosa to censor, Abel Posse talking about freedom of speech which you want to limit the rock! finally, we hear so many things I do not feel so distant from a Gonzalez, JP Feinmann, Caparros, Posse, Forster or whatever .
on Friday listening to Telesur Galeano did not like to tell you intellectually. He told one of his many stories he lived, heard or learned where she was taught that each of us "sentipensantes" and we're all, these so-called intellectuals and us on foot, trying to reconcile our thoughts with our feelings.
Vovemos to transcribe the letter from White to Vargas Llosa, long yes, but at least he says is racist:
November 2010 Mr Mario Vargas Llosa: awarded Nobel Prize you represent a further blow to neo-liberalism indigenous peoples, and which can hardly be greatest enemy of them to him.
are daily hits world system governed by large multinational companies against these populations, namely the depletion of natural resources in their areas of life, which means death for them.
The attack is manifold, just mention a few examples: The introduction of open-pit mines, stealing water from agriculture and poison, killing plants, fish, soil and human beings. The extraction of hydrocarbons with similar effects. The installation of hydropower for mining, stealing water from agriculture and cause flooding.
The clearing of forest for timber harvesting for livestock buildings or for biofuel plantations, which due to heavy rains in the area causing desertification. Agribusiness that due to monoculture and intensive use of agrochemicals, kills the land. Global warming caused by the emission of greenhouse gases raging floods and landslides, mountains, streams kills, reduces the volume of rivers, dilutes glaciers, islands submerged, causing very hot summers and very cold winters.
These attacks not only against indigenous peoples, but against all humanity, because we all live on what nature gives us, what happens is that indigenous people are directly affected by it and so are the first react, offering up their lives to the brutal onslaught of the system, which makes heroes of humanity.
You, more than one occasion has defended companies against indigenous predators.
Just look at two examples:
The June 5, 2009, World Day for the protection of the environment was chosen by the government of Alan García to massacre betrayal over 200 indigenous (not 10 which is the official figure repeated by you) defending the Amazon rainforest, the lungs of the world.
This slaughter, imprisonment and prosecution of numerous victims of the attack, were answered with mass protests in the Peruvian capital and other cities, voices of protest arose in different parts of the world (of course you were not among those who protested), the brothers did not give Amazon, had a powerful advancement of the inhabitants of the central jungle to Lima.
face of it, the government was forced to retreat and repealed two of the most ferocious of predation Decrees (who were also illegal because they go against the right to consultation of indigenous peoples for anything that has to do with its territory, recognized by the ILO Convention 169, which is Peruvian constitutional law passed by Congress). What was
your attitude? Unlike most of the Peruvian people, regretted the repeal, he wrote "Pyrrhic victory", saying that Peruvians future governments will not dare "go back to putting your hand in the Amazon to encourage private investment and economic development in this region," " The decrees were demonized in the background quite well targeted. "
pursuing an urgent need: to attract private investment and technology into a region that has large reserves of gas, oil and many minerals ...." This just given up so suicide Amazonian communities that followed the reactionary slogans Alberto Pizango. " Was the reverse, has been Pizango who obeyed the orders given by the Amazonian population, a style of democracy that will never understand you, "Democrat" Vargas Llosa.
You use the same language as the mainstream media in the hands of predatory multinational corporations.
can launch against "the stupid lies under which those decrees were part of the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and the United States." Those "stupid lies" are in the preambles of decrees and were touted by Minister Mercedes Araoz.
not stop there, considering the Amazon mentally retarded people, it is inconceivable that the resistance may have been intended for them, said to have been instigated by Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales.
not waste the opportunity to praise the two governments most backward and murderers of Indians in South America: Peru and Colombia.
democratic collective organization Seminar Threats to Democracy in Latin America: Terrorism, Weakness of the State of Rights and populism, an event held in Bogota (Colombia had to be) for 19 and November 22, 2009
His words: "The development and civilization are incompatible with certain social phenomena and the main one is collectivism. No society collectivist or impregnated with the culture is a company that develops, modernizes and reaches civilization ... Socialism, Nazism and fascism are the phenomena of the past collectivist. Today it is expressed through nationalism and religious fundamentalism. The phenomenon is springing up in Latin America in a very sinuous and magazines with some clothes that do not seem offensive but prestigious ... In Peru is gushing with two or three brothers in the name of that collective identity, indigenous identity, indigenous, genuine, true of Peru, has launched a campaign that when one examines it seems rational to be silly, almost comic, but touching a nerve center called the spirit of the tribe that never disappears even in societies that are more advanced in the way of civilization. . . The Indian of the 20's that seemed to have left behind is now what is behind phenomena like Mr. Evo Morales in Bolivia. We have been operating in Ecuador and also creating a true political and social disorder. The indigenous people in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia is causing a real political and social disorder, and therefore must be fought ... In Ecuador I know very little what is happening now ... If we want to achieve development and choose the civilization and morality, we must resolutely fight these outbreaks of collectivism ... I think in the indigenous movement is a deeply disturbing element that appeals to base instincts, to the worst instincts of the individual and distrust of the other, which is different. Then they withdraw into themselves. " You understand clearly and correctly that the indigenous community is an essential tool for the defense of Mother Earth. So the system run by predatory multinational companies understand that the attack on nature must accompanied the attack on the Indian community. Where there are indigenous, on every continent, there are indigenous community, agency truly democratic community is ruled, not the individual, as in "democratic" society today, where they send the interests of big business. That
true democracy is manifested in the agreement of collective protest actions in plebiscites as Tambogrande, Ayabaca, Huancabamba and Islay in Peru, Andalgalá in Argentina, where over 90% expressed democratically "Life itself, not mine" . It is that democracy that is terrified of the system, so Fujimori in Peru and Salinas in Mexico almost simultaneously were laws against the indigenous community, so of Decree Law Alan García some go against nature and other against the indigenous community. So you speak with horror of the "tribal spirit" of "the hive", "the nest", realizing that the strength of the indigenous movement to protect nature against the depredations of big business is the indigenous community.
That "political and social disorder is the breakdown of the" order "which required companies to ravage predatory nature with its actions to the" progress "which is on the one hand the progress of their income and other millionaires along the way to the extinction of the human species. You
attacks collectivism in the name of defending the individual. Collectivism does not deny the individuality, which must be respected. Individuality is crushed by the market fundamentalism which implements the "fashion" forcing everyone to abide by (McDonald's, Coca Cola), the less subject to this crushing are indigenous peoples, among which each town is dressed differently.
society is that you defend the one who crushes individuality and individualism that exalts selfishness is supreme. Collectivist culture is human solidarity, unlike that which you defend, extremely selfish. The best example of this is that large multinational companies are run by people who know that with the runaway greenhouse gas emissions are leading to the extinction of the human species, but no longer care about their grandchildren and their children, but fulfill the sacred commandment neoliberal, make as much money as possible in the shortest time possible.
The sentence that you make to the Indian democracy has been sufficiently well replicated by Saramago:
"Somebody has been said that the indigenous movement is a danger to democracy seems to me incredible. How smart can a head out a statement as monstrous as that. "
to respond "to those who say that the indigenous movement in America is the greatest enemy of democracy" "I do what I propose to you the American Indians, is that you may become harbingers of democracy. If you you lift the banner of democracy, others may learn. "
The Indian community, giving it that name, has long been raising the flag of true democracy, is currently also the higher levels, the community of communities in the Cauca, Colombia, in the Kuna of Panama islands and greater extent in the Zapatista area of \u200b\u200bChiapas, where for 16 years by indigenous governing the "Good Government" which are rotated, whose members may be revoked at any time and not earning a dime (as in indigenous communities) to exercise that function so it's no coincidence that you wrote "The Other Side of Paradise" unleashing a torrent of slander against these Indians, understands very well the danger that large companies means their example to other peoples.
Words you in the seminar were also refuted by indigenous leaders.
Leonidas Iza, president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), "Vargas Losa is thinking of the previous century and believes that we must continue to marginalized indigenous. If there is hunger, poverty, inequality, we can not be quiet. " "If democracy means equality and equity, we just pursue a true democracy. "
Luis Macas, founder of the CONAIE, "Vargas Llosa supports an exclusionary power, similar to that proposed by U.S. President George Bush, in a unipolar world. The Indians instead propose another kind of power, which is the "Ushay" in Quechua, which is to improve living conditions, the ability to develop ourselves collectively, since the contribution of the different spaces. " Deputy Ricardo
Ulcuango: "Civilization is to let three or four profit from the gas business in Bolivia, with privatization in Peru or Ecuador's oil, is polluting nature until it is dry or sell water from rivers to pay better? "
ECUARUNARI Humberto Cholango, the largest organization of CONAIE comprising the Indians of the sierra: Are positions like that," which left no advance the consolidation of Latin America more democratic, more tolerant, more participatory and integrated, recognizing the diversity of each country with all the actors who built this continent. "
As seen, they have a different concept of freedom and democracy that you, who says: "The fight for freedom compels us to take sides boldly, without subterfuge, for the open and democratic societies of the free world whose leadership exercised by the United States. " Racism
you enjoy an intense racism.
should be noted when the Indians to abandon their culture to overcome.
enough to read his novel "Death in the Andes", a book against the "mountain" (in coastal Peru is a racism against indigenous regionalism regionally identified as living in the mountains).
When Cape coastal mountain tells the guard that "deserves to be coastal," it thank you. The culmination of the novel is the finding that the mountain is a ritual cannibalism. I am a ham and all my life I have not seen anything like it. What I see is what I said above, that the culture that you advocate is leading to the extermination of humanity, does not eat it, is simply killing.
In my book "We the Indians" devoted a chapter ("The Indian culture and neoliberalism" - José María Arguedas and Mario Vargas Llosa) to defend my "Papa" José María Arguedas his attacks in his book Archaic Utopia. " I will not repeat here what is said there, I only mention the presentation made to the second edition: "This article was written in March 1999. From then to now has developed a wave of indigenous movements in the continent and a disastrous crisis of neoliberalism. This shows that "the archaic utopia" is not the "José María Arguedas indigenismo" but beloved neoliberalism Vargas Llosa, which remains one of their gurus. "
Uchuraqay In January 83 journalists were killed in August Uchuraqay in the community, Ayacucho.
repressive government that gave power to the genocidal policy of the Department General Clemente Noel (I was suspended for 120 days from the Chamber of Deputies for saying this and have refused to withdraw that description), appointed a committee chaired by you to cover the army's responsibility in the crime. You fulfilled that role perfectly, blaming the villagers collectively for the deaths, dismissing reports of anthropologists, lawyers, linguists and psychoanalysts.
The Commission for Truth and Reconciliation and other organizations defending human rights report that you are limited to collecting the testimony and evidence given by the soldiers involved in the crime, which exonerated the military of course, eliminating the rest. Applying the racism shown in "Death in the Andes" said to have been the villagers who killed the journalists and piously said that "all were guilty "for not" civilized. "
say that after some time a court found evidence of the military implications, and that you stated that its conclusion had done for the "sake of democracy."
mention this because some people present to you as "defender of human rights." Relatives of the dead journalists feel disgust for you because of your work as Noel abetting genocide. Conclusion
Fortunately indigenous peoples of the world inspire increased respect for other sectors of the global population to be at the forefront of the defense of nature for all humanity and to practice true democracy for development in their organizations, showing the only possible way to ensure the survival of the species: that is the whole of society who govern themselves and determine which is the industrial facilities may continue to exist without compromising risk the survival of the species.
This I could see from the tour I did for Europe recently talking about precisely that subject.
The vertical undemocratic and selfish of large multinational companies so you do not know why you call "democracy" has fewer admirers.
No wonder you have received the Nobel Prize, Too Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize for promoting the war in Afghanistan.
I think Alfred Nobel, who felt guilty for his role as an entrepreneur rich through the production of dynamite used in mining and war, would not be satisfied with two winners.