Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dunhill Tobacco Blend

Hermitage La Luz (Murcia) Sonnet

Hermitage of La Luz, Monte de Murcia ... Time has.

For Antonio, Pepe, Rafael, Salvador, Enrique;
and all other comrades of the Institute 59/60.

One day last week, I took my old comrades recovered Bachelor of 60 to the mountains close by South Valley Murcia. In line with the vision of a landscape forever remembered a sonnet which I wrote about the brief time the monastery that gives title to this text.
As I am, you know, in the process of reckoning with my old papers, I increased the search effort , and finally found it. He was in a folder titled "Workshop." And indeed, there was a defect in its archived form. Today, I give him a hammer here and there, and I leave it, as Dante said for his Divine Comedy, "pure and dispositions per uscire alle stelle . Although I know well that these verses do not go beyond the municipal streetlight. It does not matter. Ah, stood side by side entitled "A San Antonio the Poor", a hermitage near these dollars. Will the next release.
And nothing else. Whoever wants to know detail of the monastery, can be found here:
The sonnet is this:

Undamaged hole in my memory,
October the shadow slowly.
Minutes dilated in the day,
fact light and air together.

Light, this harsh geology dead.
Light flock of green pines.
Light your garden baroque facade.
Light, your essence, your name, your ways.

Dando on Earth, faith of the divine,
modest rises, austerely
your poor masonry wall.

Pastor of loneliness, your destination
is passed over in silence, humility,
expecting God the company.


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