Mocca Edgardo gives me the reason was political misreading. A fellow truckers
Mocca uses Gramsci and Gramscian concept of hegemony to read the play Moyano, reading very wise to understand the economic problems that brings the "show of force Moyano" beyond their personal interests. Impossible
current reality will lead to a successful conclusion if we close ourselves in dogma, political or personal interests.
Warning to bloggers Birth & pop establishment (you know which are): Gramsci LESS ARTEMIO LOPEZ MAS
".... hegemony Gramsci conceived as the ability to achieve and sustain the unity of social bloc. And that ability is not about the pure domain of potential or actual exercise of violence but a force of cultural and moral "faith" said the thinker Sardinian. It is very strained the connection between this formulation and the President's insistence on the existence of a struggle between "stories" opposed to the reality of Argentina. The presidential address opening the regular session of Congress is an eloquent example of that strategy: facts and figures that there were exposed not the cadence of a "balance sheet management" is presented as an illustration of the results of a political project . Updating of the entire force partisan political programs to which they hurriedly extended a shutdown from the perspective of "postpolitical" which the government puts in place the administration of the given, without any creativity.
Is he not the President's appeal not to allow the forces of disunity friendly gesture toward the current political "hegemony" in the Gramscian sense? The unit, Cristina Kirchner said and repeated, not an end in itself; is a prerequisite for survival and deepening of the ongoing project . To paraphrase in terms of Gramsci, is the unity of the social block what is at stake. And the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial bloc pose differs from the economic angle "class" that is not joined by so-called "objective interests" that pre-existing political practice, it is this same practice which constructs and explicit. Always in the Gramscian vocabulary, this block has an internal social interests "corporately" contradictory. Ie if you were to look exclusively the interests of particular social sector, the social unity of the bloc would not be a desirable goal.
episodes materialized dramatically in recent days these abstractions. Hugo Moyano has been a dramatic gesture of power, faced society with the ghost of a chaotic day, without trucks, buses, subways, trains or boats. The mercy argument was to defend the workers' movement in political and media attacks it receives daily. As they say in chess, "the threat is stronger than the execution." The announcement allowed the CGT leader placed at the center of the scene, forcing the government to talk and get the decibels about a warrant for the Swiss Justice will not go down in history for the accuracy of their foundations and even less for quality drafting. As icing on the cake and leave no doubt that the nature of the operation, said Moyano workers do not want to be constrained by sectoral demands: they want power.
not be overemphasized that the poor public image of unions, and the strange credibility of any accusation that politics and ethics involved there is nothing natural or innocent. The history of the labor movement in its early Peronist has glories and miseries. Passed by the resistance against the false democracy of the proscriptions and the struggle against dictatorship. And the shame of complicity of some in state terrorism and participation in the profits of the sale of public property implemented by the Menem. The impression, however, are not capitulation union multimedia object of scorn. Otherwise it would explain the "prudence" which dealt with the arrest of Momo qualifying Venegas and fury, for example, the publisher of The Nation yesterday, Saturday, dedicated to the leading figure of the trucker.
not appear, then, that the issue is ethical, but is essentially political. It is political because it points to a key component of the coalition that led Argentina from 2003: the alliance between the government and the labor movement. Who put up the fuss by the assumption that non-Republican alliance, not just as shocked when, with Menem and De la Rua, partners State's principal were the great groups of concentrated economic power. The alliance between State and CGT is not a simple election strategy. On the other hand is grounded in a process of change in the world of work not recorded in the country for many decades. is the alliance that allowed reinstate employs five million people, to recover the collective bargaining agreement and the minimum wage and mobile, introducing the peer teaching significantly increase salaries and pensions and create a universal allowance for children, among many further developments of age. All this at a time when many thought they had lost the social and political was a matter of isolated individuals united only on the condition of hearing the media.
The fact is that in these times we have experienced the most significant threat to the unity of the coalition that now governs the country. And the episode touches the nerve more critical for the possibility of continuity of its political project, for your own internal contradictions.
If someone in the government believes it can rule on the direction taken without the accompaniment of a substantial portion of the labor movement, ended up contributing to the defeat. And if one union leader believes that workers will reach power on the basis of breaking the current political and social coalition of government, will become the key to the success of media-political operations that claims to oppose. That is what hegemony, to hold in unity to diversity and contradiction.
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