Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Swot Analysis Of Rip Curl

In Gálvez, Cristina and Encarnación Ezcurra

Encarnación Ezcurra.

says Diana Conti (FPV) in the newspaper The Nation:

Conti held that the president could win the next presidential election "in the first round, all over the country" and held that "looks at a possible reform Constitution to allow indefinite re-election . "

"All claims that Cristina Kirchner is a candidate. It is also the continuity of what is being done, is the new model in which Argentina has a level playing field
K ultra sectors that belong to envision a desire for constitutional reform because we want an eternal Cristina "

Politics is an art and Cristina has shown over the years it's a great artist. However, we as sexist and misogynist society, perhaps we can not afford to recognize, celebrate and understand (as my grandmother would say ) the quality with which "put the lid" to the opposition in today's speech.
Juan Manuel de Rosas is known for his cunning and political savvy, but little is said about the skill and cunning of Dona Encarnacion Ezcurra, mate Juan Manuel (they called themselves "partners) who was his great political, disciplinary and morale during the absences in the government of the Confederacy.

JM Gálvez says "Encarnación policy includes small to women. He sees in the political ideas and trends, but feelings of loyalty in friends and meanness and riundad the contrary "
Life JM de Rosas, Volume 2, Central S. American Literary A

could really afford to think that Diana Conti and Cristina include policy in small, to the woman?. speak of the statesmanship of Incarnation and Cristina far exceeds this tiny thought, but how nice it was to let the mainstream media take their editorial with the alleged constitutional reform, consult with their favorite politicians to comment on this violation of the democratic system, etc. , so that hours after Craig down the curtain on a play in which Diana Conti was the star, the audience applauded stand and tore the critics that thought he saw in it a reality that in the end it was nothing more than fiction. Quoting
Since Gálvez and his biography of Rosas, end up with something that summarizes our point of view ...

"Don Eusebio De Rosas uses to hint to your friends which is not to say for itself, correct to employees, put in place to effectively presumptuous and moralize. Different attitudes Jester illustrated better than another Jesuit thing about the intentions of the Restorer for them. "
Life JM de Rosas, Volume 3, American Literary Center S. A That

cute! avail himself of cunning, not only to confront the opposition but to align their own troops.
And how do well, so that this part of the speech will pass-government and opposition?
nothing better than to give a touch of color, interrupting the speech by Vice President Julio Cobos challenging his side. There is no way to escape the message, people receive it by left or right.
See it yourself at the blog of a friend Goliardo here.

What Aristotle would say this political animal? Diana
excuse me, I will not treat a clown in the sense Rosas, simply dial the importance of such attitudes that may enhance further the policies of the leader.
somewhat anachronistic conclusion to this article, we might better prevent colleagues who claim to worship the figure of Nestor and Cristina Kirchner saturating hollow and demagogic, for example, motions of the single stage is called Nestor La Plata Kirchner, inject each 45 'that Nestor candombe has beautiful lyrics but it makes you not hear a fucking candombe more in life and so many other things. The story is moving, yes, but still do not know how fast it moves.


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