to celebrate 5000 visits We made this birthday cake
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Pokemon Snap Rom Problems
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Leapers Rifle Scope Reviews
N LUV at Mojo Feb. 22
Lol N 'Luvers! Did they wet? It was super fun to visit Yolanda and Montserrat in the XEW studies. The had a great time and hope you enjoyed it. As usual we let the now famous "souvenir photo.
LOLing KEEP! Dany
, Leo, Manolo.
Aztec Warrior Holding A Aztec Woman
Another blow to bureaucracy and seventies in full force debate
Pedraza is led in handcuffs to testify .
Pedraza In the house, located in a tower of Puerto Madero, was found also "... the contract his wife Grace Elizabeth Coria, secretary of the board of the company Belgrano Cargas, in the nineties was left UF after the privatization of all cargo services. And Ms. Pedraza are investigated by the use of invoices to collect benefits trout over 10 million pesos ... " -02-22.html
This sad reality, union secretaries are not handcuffed by popular struggle in the countryside but the State scams, abuse hierarchical guild alliance with the exploited and complicity in the flexibility of workers does rather than stir a debate that gave Throughout the history of Argentine labor movement and had its peak in the mid-sixties to their complete disappearance in 1976.
One of those great moments in the struggle of ideas about the purposes to be achieved by the labor movement was the one who kept José Agustín Tosco and Rucci.
José Rucci, general secretary of the CGT national Peronist-called "orthodox."
Agustín Tosco, Secretary General of Luz y Fuerza de Cordoba and assistant secretary of the CGT Regional Córdoba, Marxist and guilds called "independent."
A quote from Tosco in 1972, might have been delivered by any honest leader now seeks the truth about the crime Ferreyra, Tosco said:
"We must sweep this team of thugs who go to Savoy and Ezeiza to clean gun shooting, which police found handguns and rifles in their cars, and become very quiet to the CGT, while a colleague who comes to shout their protest on the streets can get shot in the head or go to jail. "
but what these two leaders discussed trade union?
Organization of the working class.
For Rucci: Driving organic
For Tosco: Democracy bases
Rucci Rucci says : "... the mov. Workers organized in trade unions is in Central Obrera ... "
"... I am a strong advocate of due respect to organic bodies who have chosen the conference ..."
Some phrases can take them to unravel as the plant moves to silence today about the situation of field workers (eg) and defense "organic" on the corruption cases that dot several union leaders.
Rucci says:
"The CGT has no authority to address problems org. Unions are the org. Unions representing workers who must assume the defense of the leaders agree with, but not CGT
Rucci obviously puts his ideological position to its position as leader of the workers. This is highlighted in the attack graph leader Raimundo Ongaro, could easily bring this discussion to what is now debate about "frogs" of the PJ (Scioli) and the subsequent voting blind supporters of Cristina.
says Rucci on Ongaro :
"Raimundo Ongaro partner claims to be a Peronist. Is presumed to be influential labor leader in the guild or the heads. General Perón established the standards of the 62 organizations, although it says it's Peronist Ongaro never joined the Federation Graph to 62 organizations. think it's a very particular Peronist "Rucci
rejects the query to the database, it is understood that the bases are expressed when they choose their leaders " the term , which can cause much effect, reference to the bases, is an expression that does not fit into a mov. union-organized " Lastly
rejects the characterization of union bureaucracy in the terms suggested by Tosco (and see) putting his own struggle within the union movement.
Tosco position
"... we conceptualize the mov. workers as a democracy that arises from the bases " all-partner who is representative of a labor organization must look to the bases to the top "
mandates for him to act as the trade unions and workers themselves are not the congresses of the CGT, ie, not organic bodies but the main reference bases without that break the OU workers. Tosco
defines the union bureaucracy in these terms:
"is the exercise of trade union officers with the discretion to reduce all the unions, to manage, from positions of power, social benefits, especially to discuss collective bargaining agreements, to stay ruling the mov. workers from administrative positions (...) not to assume that overall projection of the struggle of mov. labor as a factor in national and social liberation. why we distinguish between those who remain to deliver what is in the unions and fighting from within the union by the claims immediate and turn up the ongoing struggle for national claims by those other social demands, and those other Latin American claims that make fundamental change in society . A concrete activism outside the office, on the street, in the fight with peers. That's being and not merely a union representative bureaucrat "
More on this debate:" Agustín Tosco, the revolutionary class " NI Carrera, MI Grau, A. Marti, ed. Madres de Plaza de Mayo.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Fkk Family Russian Bare
Edublogs 2011
is the first time we participate in the "V Espiral Edublogs Award 2011" We are thrilled to do so. We have left the side of the logo contest and if you click on it appears the page where you can leave a response, giving your opinion about what this means for all of you enjoy the blog The Rainbow Children, i if you think it is useful for your child's learning.
We're satisfied with only being able to participate and from here I ask for your support.
A greeting and thank you very much.
is the first time we participate in the "V Espiral Edublogs Award 2011" We are thrilled to do so. We have left the side of the logo contest and if you click on it appears the page where you can leave a response, giving your opinion about what this means for all of you enjoy the blog The Rainbow Children, i if you think it is useful for your child's learning.
We're satisfied with only being able to participate and from here I ask for your support.
A greeting and thank you very much.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Make Dog Draught Excluder Pattern
LOL N 'Luviano!
Here are some photos from our studio where we prepare a video valentine gift of our song 'STAR DUST'.
Enjoy them!
Welcome Note Samples For Wedding Guests
After 125 and 2009 legislative defeat some allies began to doubt the model of Kirchner and imagined becoming a new horizon which should start
listed in the column "... had highlighted an important development potential for those who drove the return Peronism to "normal" after Kirchner experience which was considered definitely dead. "
With the apparent hegemony achieved from 2010, says Mocca "... the President does not owe its current dominant position in the PJ to a sudden attack of loyalty from those who were preparing to disembark, but the favorable turn of their electoral chances. "
From this danger aborted, ie, the Peronist party always tends to support who is likely to get the real power at which the debate is moving indoors, in within the ruling "... there are tensions between the currents more accurately Kirchner and those who, having returned to the fold, claiming electoral potential ..."
"Peronism is not, never was "highly institutionalized party, after the 2001 crisis has rather the appearance of a federation of district leaders nationally are ordered to the circumstances. That means it is not written anywhere that the struggle for national triumph is that you organize the board, in principle, each serving their game. "
worth mentioning that Peronism is not and never could have been institutionalized party because it was never a party. Peronism as a movement is beyond the party structure, as well as is possible to recognize a doctrine and an end in itself Peronist there are different ways of understanding how to achieve it.
What is the debate within the ruling?
"... focus is on the province of Buenos Aires. And revolves around enabling or not the meeting for Democracy and equity to nominate its leader for governor of the province, in a ballot that includes the national candidate Cristina Kirchner. The reasons for conflict are evident: both Scioli's candidacy as several mayors would probably suffer a decline in this format electoral constituency. That is why power is required to put on concepts and arguments. In this case the choice is the common interest of "Peronism" and the challenge of "progressivism."
"... funny is noted that the purity "Peronist" sum adherents among sectors that until recently were difficult to identify with the PJ. It is clear that in this space, many of which reference is part of the experience of Frepaso, Kirchner has managed to revive the legitimate feelings of belonging Peronist and is interpreted in terms of return to the historical sources of the movement. It is also understandable that the persistence of anti-Peronism in certain circles that nourish progressive strengthening of the Peronist identity. The term "progressive" also tends to obscure rather than clarify the meaning of political action: we see every day, "progressive" common cause with the big economic corporations in the systematic fight against the current national policy "
This issue was highly debated in the blogosphere. Is it wise to conceptualize as a liberal to all non-Peronist arc? is the same Pino Sabatella? who seems more Peronist Ghi Mussi or Lucas?
However, the rejection of partial alliance with the party of Sabbatella arguments usually sustained in confusing and sometimes contradictory. It is said For example, you need to ensure unity of Peronism to achieve re-election of Cristina Kirchner, is difficult to understand how Buenos Aires votes Sabbatella the ballot as a candidate to take Cristina conspire against the re-election. From other villages are said to Sabbatella relies on the good times and in bad criticism. He says a mayor who is not heard no definition at the time of Resolution 125, while the then mayor of Moron clearly militant in defense of the sliding tax. The "unity of Peronism" did not resist, at the time, the corporate pressures, migrated more than a few legislators with the card's PJ day and provincial leaders to Santa Fe and Cordoba, among others, became part of the already mentioned experience dissident Peronist.
"The issue is that few times in the last six decades had been given favorable circumstances for constructive dialogue between two popular political traditions such as the Peronist and left-inspired social gender. Both had their merits and historical limitations. The collided Peronist tradition-sometimes bloodily-with the limits of the right of the movement itself. The socialist tradition almost always stood against Peronism and the road was more than once aligned with the right. There to see if everyone manages to defend their legitimate aspirations without frustrating the possibility has been opened. "
In conclusion, ascribes to what many have stated above. This scenario is suitable to form a united front from different ways and from different positions with the goal of social justice, political sovereignty and economically. No impositions or orthodox purist, not this "frontage but we do not impose anything" repeatedly heard how a united front if the other side there is distrust and no place for critical consciousness?
The full story here :
Waxing The Male Private Areas
V PREMIO DO use the mouse
Per the importance entails the computer, and that class are learning to use the mouse the computer , we added a fun game , that is in our section of "Play Online" in which the there activities because the student aprenga to use it.
Blog Camila Rodriguez Trave

The "teacher" has prepared a nice project dedicated to pets of their students. The objective of this project is to identify the characteristics, feeding and care of pets we have at home. The first chips on the side we made it to class.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Pressure Points Fall Asleep
U.S. vetoes resolution UN and go ....... To Sir with love
NEW YORK, USA (18/FEB/2011) .- U.S. on Friday vetoed a UN resolution that would have condemned the Israeli construction of residential calling them "illegal" and calling for an immediate halt to these buildings .
The other 14 Security Council members voted in favor of the resolution, reflecting the strong support for the initiative supported by the Palestinians, who had about 100 signatures.
Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the international organization, said the United States agrees with the rest of the council and the wider world "on the folly and illegitimacy continuing Israeli settlement activity ", but said the United States believes that " unwise " the most powerful body of the UN try to resolve crucial issues between Israelis and Palestinians.
NEW YORK, USA (18/FEB/2011) .- U.S. on Friday vetoed a UN resolution that would have condemned the Israeli construction of residential calling them "illegal" and calling for an immediate halt to these buildings .
The other 14 Security Council members voted in favor of the resolution, reflecting the strong support for the initiative supported by the Palestinians, who had about 100 signatures.
Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the international organization, said the United States agrees with the rest of the council and the wider world "on the folly and illegitimacy continuing Israeli settlement activity ", but said the United States believes that " unwise " the most powerful body of the UN try to resolve crucial issues between Israelis and Palestinians.
On Grıd Tıe Inverter Schematıc
In first class I had with Rodriguez Otero at Joaquín V. Gonzalez, and spoke to us. We are in the audience of teachers and we licked the Butterfly, imagine a year with this crazy (well done).
Know him in an interview
Carolina Perín.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Office 2007 Patch Engels
We leave the souvenir photo of our visit to 'The World Upside Down With Nancy. "
A hug to everyone!
The Plague Black Death Symptoms
The critical transformation of a union in a dog. Gildo
The first joint work of Marx and Engels was La Sagrada Familia (1845), in this work the authors attack the "speculative philosophy" of Bruno Bauer and his disciples, also called Left Hegelians, they proposed changing the world only in the realm of ideas isolated both as material practice of mass (the existence corporeal of things).
Well, actually, I'm interested in this opportunity to rescue such a work is literary criticism which Marx the French novel The Mysteries of Paris of Eugene Sue. What is the novel? Rodolfo
Gerolstein is a noble attempt to atone for their sins of youth masquerading as a beggar, and with the advantages of wealth and the anonymity, solve problems through mystery of morality.
The secondary characters with which it is finding Rodolfo are: Flor de María
: the child prostitute's tavern criminals Paris suburb.
Chourineur (the butcher), a murderer Rodolfo renovated
Chouette and maitre d 'ecole : a couple of criminals to which Rudolph is responsible for punishing their sinful souls through the torture of their bodies ( very interesting description about the justification of torture of the body (the profane) to heal the soul (the sacred) ill).
These, among many other characters, make up the novel where we're becoming aware of the forms of redemption that finds Rodolfo for each of them. going to stop the conversion of Chourineur (the butcher) in the dog Rodolfo, a way that each reflect the different ways to indoctrinate and subjugate the dignity of men.
The critical transformation of a butcher in a dog or Chourineur
Chourineur was a butcher by trade and various acts of nature turn him into a murderer. Rodolfo finds it by chance mistreating Flor de Maria the prostitute. This applied to some mighty blows to the head and manages to attract the attention of Chourineur. Later in the tavern of the criminals, the kind of Chourineur temperament manifests. Rodolfo says: "still pull heart and honor. " Chourineur is transformed into a" moral being. " Rodolfo takes him under his protection.
Let the training process guided by that.
First Stage. The first class Chourineur receives is about hypocrisy, lack of loyalty, malice and dissimulation. Rodolfo Chourineur used and becomes a police informer. Le "advises" simulate future and involve theft maitre d 'ecole . Chourineur have the feeling that is being used for a farce. Objection to the proposal of being a police informer. Rodolfo easily convinces the "natural man" through speculative philosophy that foul play is not a bad move if it is done by "good and moral reasons."
Chourineur cheating on his former partner and leads to destruction. For the first time in his life commits a infamy.
Second Stage. Chourineur became a be decent and moral. Every time he speaks of Rodolfo addresses him as lord. Pronúncia the innermost mystery of his transformation critical when Rodolfo confesses to feelings for him the same loyalty that he feels a bulldog by his master. The former butcher became a dog. From now on all its virtues will be reduced to the under dog, pure devotion to his master.
Chourineur in a role that states constantly says: "two words: you have heart and honor, I became a man, You will find the reason for his actions in human individuality, but in that role and provided moral maxims boasted Rodolfo say "I like to hear you talk like that." Chourineur
not become a common bulldog bulldog but a moral .
Third stage. Now we learned, as appropriate to their "moral" appropriated the gait and the attitude of petty . Even sadder that this form is the value that gives Rodolfo reformed his life. He sends to Africa to Chourineur "skeptical offer the world a living example of repentance" . From now on, Chourineur can not represent their own human nature but a Christian dogma.
Fourth stage. The critical-moral transformation Chourineur turned into a quiet man, prudent, which governs their conduct under the rules of fear and vital wisdom.
"Chourineur did not say a word about the implementation of the maitre d 'ecole, for fear of being compromised"
Chourineur know that implementation of the maitre d' ecole was for an illegal action. Not disclosed. Fifth
stadium. Chourineur completed to the extent their moral development that became aware of his relationship subservient to Rodolfo in a civilized manner. tells Germain :
"I have a shield for me is the same as God for priests ... it's like to kneel before him."
Sixth Stage . Chourineur concluded his career worthy of pure devotion and moral bulldog, leaving stab to save his master. Chourineur
dying tells Rodolfo:
"He was right in saying that a piece of land as I can sometimes be useful for honorable a gentleman like you"
says Szeliga, critical speculative: " That is the merit of having Rodolfo the bully back his humanity! "
The "critical criticism" as a merchant of mysteries or "critical criticism" as Mr. Szeliga . Karl Marx . La Sagrada Familia.
Writings on Literature. Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels . Colihue.
The first joint work of Marx and Engels was La Sagrada Familia (1845), in this work the authors attack the "speculative philosophy" of Bruno Bauer and his disciples, also called Left Hegelians, they proposed changing the world only in the realm of ideas isolated both as material practice of mass (the existence corporeal of things).
Well, actually, I'm interested in this opportunity to rescue such a work is literary criticism which Marx the French novel The Mysteries of Paris of Eugene Sue. What is the novel? Rodolfo
Gerolstein is a noble attempt to atone for their sins of youth masquerading as a beggar, and with the advantages of wealth and the anonymity, solve problems through mystery of morality.
The secondary characters with which it is finding Rodolfo are: Flor de María
: the child prostitute's tavern criminals Paris suburb.
Chourineur (the butcher), a murderer Rodolfo renovated
Chouette and maitre d 'ecole : a couple of criminals to which Rudolph is responsible for punishing their sinful souls through the torture of their bodies ( very interesting description about the justification of torture of the body (the profane) to heal the soul (the sacred) ill).
These, among many other characters, make up the novel where we're becoming aware of the forms of redemption that finds Rodolfo for each of them. going to stop the conversion of Chourineur (the butcher) in the dog Rodolfo, a way that each reflect the different ways to indoctrinate and subjugate the dignity of men.
The critical transformation of a butcher in a dog or Chourineur
Chourineur was a butcher by trade and various acts of nature turn him into a murderer. Rodolfo finds it by chance mistreating Flor de Maria the prostitute. This applied to some mighty blows to the head and manages to attract the attention of Chourineur. Later in the tavern of the criminals, the kind of Chourineur temperament manifests. Rodolfo says: "still pull heart and honor. " Chourineur is transformed into a" moral being. " Rodolfo takes him under his protection.
Let the training process guided by that.
First Stage. The first class Chourineur receives is about hypocrisy, lack of loyalty, malice and dissimulation. Rodolfo Chourineur used and becomes a police informer. Le "advises" simulate future and involve theft maitre d 'ecole . Chourineur have the feeling that is being used for a farce. Objection to the proposal of being a police informer. Rodolfo easily convinces the "natural man" through speculative philosophy that foul play is not a bad move if it is done by "good and moral reasons."
Chourineur cheating on his former partner and leads to destruction. For the first time in his life commits a infamy.
Second Stage. Chourineur became a be decent and moral. Every time he speaks of Rodolfo addresses him as lord. Pronúncia the innermost mystery of his transformation critical when Rodolfo confesses to feelings for him the same loyalty that he feels a bulldog by his master. The former butcher became a dog. From now on all its virtues will be reduced to the under dog, pure devotion to his master.
Chourineur in a role that states constantly says: "two words: you have heart and honor, I became a man, You will find the reason for his actions in human individuality, but in that role and provided moral maxims boasted Rodolfo say "I like to hear you talk like that." Chourineur
not become a common bulldog bulldog but a moral .
Third stage. Now we learned, as appropriate to their "moral" appropriated the gait and the attitude of petty . Even sadder that this form is the value that gives Rodolfo reformed his life. He sends to Africa to Chourineur "skeptical offer the world a living example of repentance" . From now on, Chourineur can not represent their own human nature but a Christian dogma.
Fourth stage. The critical-moral transformation Chourineur turned into a quiet man, prudent, which governs their conduct under the rules of fear and vital wisdom.
"Chourineur did not say a word about the implementation of the maitre d 'ecole, for fear of being compromised"
Chourineur know that implementation of the maitre d' ecole was for an illegal action. Not disclosed. Fifth
stadium. Chourineur completed to the extent their moral development that became aware of his relationship subservient to Rodolfo in a civilized manner. tells Germain :
"I have a shield for me is the same as God for priests ... it's like to kneel before him."
Sixth Stage . Chourineur concluded his career worthy of pure devotion and moral bulldog, leaving stab to save his master. Chourineur
dying tells Rodolfo:
"He was right in saying that a piece of land as I can sometimes be useful for honorable a gentleman like you"
says Szeliga, critical speculative: " That is the merit of having Rodolfo the bully back his humanity! "
The "critical criticism" as a merchant of mysteries or "critical criticism" as Mr. Szeliga . Karl Marx . La Sagrada Familia.
Writings on Literature. Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels . Colihue.
Memory Quotes For Picnik
Places In Jax,fl That Wax
HELLO COME graphomotor section, you will find in SIDE, I tell you that our "teacher" made us SHEETS FOR A NEW CLASS, WE HAVE ADDED THE NUMBER FROM 12 TO 17
HELLO COME graphomotor section, you will find in SIDE, I tell you that our "teacher" made us SHEETS FOR A NEW CLASS, WE HAVE ADDED THE NUMBER FROM 12 TO 17
Monday, February 14, 2011
How To Congratulate For Baby In Arabic
no regrets with this love letter to the company
Que linda! tell policy, but do not want (do not complain after defending Moyano Momo).
was better to say nothing ...
said Florencio Randazzo, Minister of Interior:
"Insfrán is a very good governor, with a great management"
"We from the national government have a political project that has an economic, a social model and a cultural model, we have put the state in another place, a far more active and this is reflected in the Argentine provinces and with much more intensity in Formosa "
" the very good management of the Governor in regard to social infrastructure and road works in education and today this issue of road safety I've found that are working very hard and very well. "
said Gildo Insfran, governor of Formosa;
"Therefore, just as we leave a successful year was 2010, we are confident that 2011 will be much better, full of accomplishments as we usually do in the province" / final.php? id = 19150
More information:
Randazzo and Gildo Insfran presenting the new identity card for Formosa.
Que linda! tell policy, but do not want (do not complain after defending Moyano Momo).
was better to say nothing ...
said Florencio Randazzo, Minister of Interior:
"Insfrán is a very good governor, with a great management"
"We from the national government have a political project that has an economic, a social model and a cultural model, we have put the state in another place, a far more active and this is reflected in the Argentine provinces and with much more intensity in Formosa "
" the very good management of the Governor in regard to social infrastructure and road works in education and today this issue of road safety I've found that are working very hard and very well. "
said Gildo Insfran, governor of Formosa;
"Therefore, just as we leave a successful year was 2010, we are confident that 2011 will be much better, full of accomplishments as we usually do in the province" / final.php? id = 19150
More information:
Bachelor Party Wisconsin Dells
To finish the project of toys, we made this mural, is a KARTING, with its main elements: the track, the kart and driver, the podium, the hull, the cup, gloves and booties. All this inspired by the fans of Fernando Cabrera and Guillermo Cabrera , sons of the "teacher"
To finish the project of toys, we made this mural, is a KARTING, with its main elements: the track, the kart and driver, the podium, the hull, the cup, gloves and booties. All this inspired by the fans of Fernando Cabrera and Guillermo Cabrera , sons of the "teacher"
Sunday, February 13, 2011
How To Remove A Lasco Shower Drain
Dany, Manolo and Leo.
Zud Cleanser, Toronto
residents of the Hospital
Charter of Residents, and Fellows Concurrent Hospital de Clinicas José de San Martín to the company:
Much of the company knows who holds the functional deficit Hospital and knows the steady and progressive deterioration of the crossing for more than three decades. However, we believe that no one is better than those we are witnessing the beginning of our professional career, trained in our institution was once one of the most prestigious in Latin America. More than 400 residents, and fellows of different concurrent health specialties, we at this hospital most of the day and perform most of the health care program that develops on it.
On Wednesday February 9, 2011 this group of professionals decided a work stoppage for 24 hours due to lack of response to certain claims directed to address urgent. Requested to provide a solution to only one of the many institutional shortcomings today introduced the Hospital. Of course, as in the past and despite the historic Hospital refuncionalización promises, nothing has changed.
The situation in the teaching hospital is poor, affecting all departments that compose it. At today's date, the wards are operating at 50% capacity due to insufficient nursing and cleaning staff, caused either by shortages in recruitment or a high absenteeism. In these halls every day we face the lack of basic supplies for the care of hospitalized patients (eg, saline, gloves, diapers, insulin, syringes, glucose testing strips), supplies are replenished often as late and temporary. Nor have hot water, essential to maintain the hygiene of patients and equipment and appliances with which they have (some used in critically ill patients as a vacuum) is broken or obsolete.
In the area of \u200b\u200bsurgery, has only 20% of the operating room because of difficulties with the recruitment of anesthesiologists and the purchase of surgical supplies. This results in long waiting lists - including cancer patients, in the expectation of surgery in more than one occasion, will be late. Both
Coronary Care Unit and Intensive Care Unit have less than 50% of available beds, what comes to cause patients requiring critical care and continuous monitoring can not be transferred there and must wait in the general ward. On these occasions, the only solution is to request referral to another institution. On the other hand, the ancient hemodynamics team (need for catheterization) that you have these units is the most time out of service and, once again, the derivation is presented as the only solution. This being
Hospital, a referral center for high-risk pregnancies, the neonatology is currently not functioning.
These are just some of countless examples of decay that affects a hospital that relies on the proven University of Buenos Aires. We know that the situation is complex and needs of the real commitment of leaders in all strata, from Heads of Service to the National Government that depends, ultimately, this hospital.
The daily work becomes more difficult and will not be answers. The promises were many and are repeated year after year, but the situation worsens daily. The current state of things makes it work without resources. Residents and fellows will continue to work competing for patients. The cessation of business was conducted with the utmost professionalism, respect to the patients who received the attention they demand and taking precautions so as not to move emergency patients to the emergency. This characterizes all other measures of force to be taken in the future if the hospital continues along the path of mediocrity. But do not denounce this dangerous scenario would simply negligent.
For all this, we are obliged to convey this problem to the society to become aware of this painful situation.
Charter of Residents, and Fellows Concurrent Hospital de Clinicas José de San Martín to the company:
Much of the company knows who holds the functional deficit Hospital and knows the steady and progressive deterioration of the crossing for more than three decades. However, we believe that no one is better than those we are witnessing the beginning of our professional career, trained in our institution was once one of the most prestigious in Latin America. More than 400 residents, and fellows of different concurrent health specialties, we at this hospital most of the day and perform most of the health care program that develops on it.
On Wednesday February 9, 2011 this group of professionals decided a work stoppage for 24 hours due to lack of response to certain claims directed to address urgent. Requested to provide a solution to only one of the many institutional shortcomings today introduced the Hospital. Of course, as in the past and despite the historic Hospital refuncionalización promises, nothing has changed.
The situation in the teaching hospital is poor, affecting all departments that compose it. At today's date, the wards are operating at 50% capacity due to insufficient nursing and cleaning staff, caused either by shortages in recruitment or a high absenteeism. In these halls every day we face the lack of basic supplies for the care of hospitalized patients (eg, saline, gloves, diapers, insulin, syringes, glucose testing strips), supplies are replenished often as late and temporary. Nor have hot water, essential to maintain the hygiene of patients and equipment and appliances with which they have (some used in critically ill patients as a vacuum) is broken or obsolete.
In the area of \u200b\u200bsurgery, has only 20% of the operating room because of difficulties with the recruitment of anesthesiologists and the purchase of surgical supplies. This results in long waiting lists - including cancer patients, in the expectation of surgery in more than one occasion, will be late. Both
Coronary Care Unit and Intensive Care Unit have less than 50% of available beds, what comes to cause patients requiring critical care and continuous monitoring can not be transferred there and must wait in the general ward. On these occasions, the only solution is to request referral to another institution. On the other hand, the ancient hemodynamics team (need for catheterization) that you have these units is the most time out of service and, once again, the derivation is presented as the only solution. This being
Hospital, a referral center for high-risk pregnancies, the neonatology is currently not functioning.
These are just some of countless examples of decay that affects a hospital that relies on the proven University of Buenos Aires. We know that the situation is complex and needs of the real commitment of leaders in all strata, from Heads of Service to the National Government that depends, ultimately, this hospital.
The daily work becomes more difficult and will not be answers. The promises were many and are repeated year after year, but the situation worsens daily. The current state of things makes it work without resources. Residents and fellows will continue to work competing for patients. The cessation of business was conducted with the utmost professionalism, respect to the patients who received the attention they demand and taking precautions so as not to move emergency patients to the emergency. This characterizes all other measures of force to be taken in the future if the hospital continues along the path of mediocrity. But do not denounce this dangerous scenario would simply negligent.
For all this, we are obliged to convey this problem to the society to become aware of this painful situation.
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