Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Aztec Warrior Holding A Aztec Woman

Another blow to bureaucracy and seventies in full force debate

Pedraza is led in handcuffs to testify .

few days ago issued an order of Judge Lopez for Requiz Wilma's home secretary general of the UF (railways) José Pedraza , the union headquarters and the Labour Union Cooperative Mercosur ( affiliate Pedraza's son that provided cheap labor for cleaning and general maintenance of the railways) in the wake of the assassination of militant young Mariano Ferreyra PO
Pedraza In the house, located in a tower of Puerto Madero, was found also "... the contract his wife Grace Elizabeth Coria, secretary of the board of the company Belgrano Cargas, in the nineties was left UF after the privatization of all cargo services. And Ms. Pedraza are investigated by the use of invoices to collect benefits trout over 10 million pesos ... " -02-22.html

This sad reality, union secretaries are not handcuffed by popular struggle in the countryside but the State scams, abuse hierarchical guild alliance with the exploited and complicity in the flexibility of workers does rather than stir a debate that gave Throughout the history of Argentine labor movement and had its peak in the mid-sixties to their complete disappearance in 1976.
One of those great moments in the struggle of ideas about the purposes to be achieved by the labor movement was the one who kept José Agustín Tosco and Rucci.

José Rucci, general secretary of the CGT national Peronist-called "orthodox."
Agustín Tosco, Secretary General of Luz y Fuerza de Cordoba and assistant secretary of the CGT Regional Córdoba, Marxist and guilds called "independent."

A quote from Tosco in 1972, might have been delivered by any honest leader now seeks the truth about the crime Ferreyra, Tosco said:
"We must sweep this team of thugs who go to Savoy and Ezeiza to clean gun shooting, which police found handguns and rifles in their cars, and become very quiet to the CGT, while a colleague who comes to shout their protest on the streets can get shot in the head or go to jail. "

but what these two leaders discussed trade union?

Organization of the working class.

For Rucci: Driving organic
For Tosco: Democracy bases

Rucci Rucci says : "... the mov. Workers organized in trade unions is in Central Obrera ... "
"... I am a strong advocate of due respect to organic bodies who have chosen the conference ..."
Some phrases can take them to unravel as the plant moves to silence today about the situation of field workers (eg) and defense "organic" on the corruption cases that dot several union leaders.
Rucci says:
"The CGT has no authority to address problems org. Unions are the org. Unions representing workers who must assume the defense of the leaders agree with, but not CGT

Rucci obviously puts his ideological position to its position as leader of the workers. This is highlighted in the attack graph leader Raimundo Ongaro, could easily bring this discussion to what is now debate about "frogs" of the PJ (Scioli) and the subsequent voting blind supporters of Cristina.
says Rucci on Ongaro :
"Raimundo Ongaro partner claims to be a Peronist. Is presumed to be influential labor leader in the guild or the heads. General Perón established the standards of the 62 organizations, although it says it's Peronist Ongaro never joined the Federation Graph to 62 organizations. think it's a very particular Peronist "Rucci

rejects the query to the database, it is understood that the bases are expressed when they choose their leaders " the term , which can cause much effect, reference to the bases, is an expression that does not fit into a mov. union-organized " Lastly
rejects the characterization of union bureaucracy in the terms suggested by Tosco (and see) putting his own struggle within the union movement.

Tosco position

"... we conceptualize the mov. workers as a democracy that arises from the bases " all-partner who is representative of a labor organization must look to the bases to the top "
mandates for him to act as the trade unions and workers themselves are not the congresses of the CGT, ie, not organic bodies but the main reference bases without that break the OU workers. Tosco

defines the union bureaucracy in these terms:

"is the exercise of trade union officers with the discretion to reduce all the unions, to manage, from positions of power, social benefits, especially to discuss collective bargaining agreements, to stay ruling the mov. workers from administrative positions (...) not to assume that overall projection of the struggle of mov. labor as a factor in national and social liberation. why we distinguish between those who remain to deliver what is in the unions and fighting from within the union by the claims immediate and turn up the ongoing struggle for national claims by those other social demands, and those other Latin American claims that make fundamental change in society . A concrete activism outside the office, on the street, in the fight with peers. That's being and not merely a union representative bureaucrat "

More on this debate:" Agustín Tosco, the revolutionary class " NI Carrera, MI Grau, A. Marti, ed. Madres de Plaza de Mayo.


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