U.S. vetoes resolution UN and go ....... To Sir with love
NEW YORK, USA (18/FEB/2011) .- U.S. on Friday vetoed a UN resolution that would have condemned the Israeli construction of residential calling them "illegal" and calling for an immediate halt to these buildings .
The other 14 Security Council members voted in favor of the resolution, reflecting the strong support for the initiative supported by the Palestinians, who had about 100 signatures.
Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the international organization, said the United States agrees with the rest of the council and the wider world "on the folly and illegitimacy continuing Israeli settlement activity ", but said the United States believes that " unwise " the most powerful body of the UN try to resolve crucial issues between Israelis and Palestinians.
http:// www.latercera.com/noticia/mundo/2011/02/678-346073-9-hrw-veto-de-eeuu-a-resolucion-contra-asentamientos-socava-derecho-internacional.shtml
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