The first joint work of Marx and Engels was La Sagrada Familia (1845), in this work the authors attack the "speculative philosophy" of Bruno Bauer and his disciples, also called Left Hegelians, they proposed changing the world only in the realm of ideas isolated both as material practice of mass (the existence corporeal of things).
Well, actually, I'm interested in this opportunity to rescue such a work is literary criticism which Marx the French novel The Mysteries of Paris of Eugene Sue. What is the novel? Rodolfo
Gerolstein is a noble attempt to atone for their sins of youth masquerading as a beggar, and with the advantages of wealth and the anonymity, solve problems through mystery of morality.
The secondary characters with which it is finding Rodolfo are: Flor de María
: the child prostitute's tavern criminals Paris suburb.
Chourineur (the butcher), a murderer Rodolfo renovated
Chouette and maitre d 'ecole : a couple of criminals to which Rudolph is responsible for punishing their sinful souls through the torture of their bodies ( very interesting description about the justification of torture of the body (the profane) to heal the soul (the sacred) ill).
These, among many other characters, make up the novel where we're becoming aware of the forms of redemption that finds Rodolfo for each of them. going to stop the conversion of Chourineur (the butcher) in the dog Rodolfo, a way that each reflect the different ways to indoctrinate and subjugate the dignity of men.
The critical transformation of a butcher in a dog or Chourineur
Chourineur was a butcher by trade and various acts of nature turn him into a murderer. Rodolfo finds it by chance mistreating Flor de Maria the prostitute. This applied to some mighty blows to the head and manages to attract the attention of Chourineur. Later in the tavern of the criminals, the kind of Chourineur temperament manifests. Rodolfo says: "still pull heart and honor. " Chourineur is transformed into a" moral being. " Rodolfo takes him under his protection.
Let the training process guided by that.
First Stage. The first class Chourineur receives is about hypocrisy, lack of loyalty, malice and dissimulation. Rodolfo Chourineur used and becomes a police informer. Le "advises" simulate future and involve theft maitre d 'ecole . Chourineur have the feeling that is being used for a farce. Objection to the proposal of being a police informer. Rodolfo easily convinces the "natural man" through speculative philosophy that foul play is not a bad move if it is done by "good and moral reasons."
Chourineur cheating on his former partner and leads to destruction. For the first time in his life commits a infamy.
Second Stage. Chourineur became a be decent and moral. Every time he speaks of Rodolfo addresses him as lord. Pronúncia the innermost mystery of his transformation critical when Rodolfo confesses to feelings for him the same loyalty that he feels a bulldog by his master. The former butcher became a dog. From now on all its virtues will be reduced to the under dog, pure devotion to his master.
Chourineur in a role that states constantly says: "two words: you have heart and honor, I became a man, You will find the reason for his actions in human individuality, but in that role and provided moral maxims boasted Rodolfo say "I like to hear you talk like that." Chourineur
not become a common bulldog bulldog but a moral .
Third stage. Now we learned, as appropriate to their "moral" appropriated the gait and the attitude of petty . Even sadder that this form is the value that gives Rodolfo reformed his life. He sends to Africa to Chourineur "skeptical offer the world a living example of repentance" . From now on, Chourineur can not represent their own human nature but a Christian dogma.
Fourth stage. The critical-moral transformation Chourineur turned into a quiet man, prudent, which governs their conduct under the rules of fear and vital wisdom.
"Chourineur did not say a word about the implementation of the maitre d 'ecole, for fear of being compromised"
Chourineur know that implementation of the maitre d' ecole was for an illegal action. Not disclosed. Fifth
stadium. Chourineur completed to the extent their moral development that became aware of his relationship subservient to Rodolfo in a civilized manner. tells Germain :
"I have a shield for me is the same as God for priests ... it's like to kneel before him."
Sixth Stage . Chourineur concluded his career worthy of pure devotion and moral bulldog, leaving stab to save his master. Chourineur
dying tells Rodolfo:
"He was right in saying that a piece of land as I can sometimes be useful for honorable a gentleman like you"
says Szeliga, critical speculative: " That is the merit of having Rodolfo the bully back his humanity! "
The "critical criticism" as a merchant of mysteries or "critical criticism" as Mr. Szeliga . Karl Marx . La Sagrada Familia.
Writings on Literature. Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels . Colihue.
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