Interesting traveled
us in the paper today, Horacio Vertbisky. First a stroll through the events of Jose Leon Suarez to what he calls "new operation slaughter" because of the vacuum of evidence that still exist in the case but with a undeniable fact: Two teenagers killed (shot in the back) and an internship in serious condition.
The Minister of Justice and Security of the province, Ricardo Casal, formed in the prison service Aires during the dictatorship is chosen by the Governor Scioli to carry out security policies. During
management Casal Scioli and the disappearance of the boy Luciano Crease, arrested by the Buenos Aires police for refusing to steal for them was arrested and witnesses said police stated: tortured and raped, was never seen again and the case is still waiting to get lost in the courts. Vertbisky Casal explains the delays on this case congeal well in a time where media outlets incited the population associated with poor youth delinquency. According to Vanessa Orie
sister Luciano "The evidence is pretty strong against 8 of the police detachment Lomas del Mirador, were apparent contradictions between them, but none is in jail, no one is prosecuted, and more terrible still working as if nothing had happened. It is losing patience ". The police only appear as witnesses in the case.
"At one point we realized that Luciano would not appear alive. We look for the body. But if the police continue in office, "I can pretend that my brother appears? The lack of commitment of the political sector also makes them complicit in the disappearance. Are implementing policies to kill the kids from the slums. Think about finding the body remains a utopia with these characters adverse political and judicial system. "
More information about the case: -done /
Another fun note today was the interview of Francisco de Narvaez and a pearl of Duran Barba, say
In recent months linked it with Daniel Scioli.
held discussions to accompany him "if it had decided tufts at national level? While Daniel
(note the degree of familiarity) express this form of government and public policy there is no chance of working with us. None.
But it is true that a cycle is completed, which is the form of government of Kirchner, many leaders with those who did not want to talk and this, they want a more orthodox Peronist more territorial
(eye to youth activism is certain concerning supuestamentes kirchneristas yet we are dragging this) ar/diario/elpais/1-161812-2011-02-06.html
The alleged vices of Macri as Duran Barba:
In an interview with Pagina/12, Duran Barba said that the profile should be of someone "to complement the image of Macri. To fulfill the role of Gabriela, giving sensitivity, to humanize, a touch more populism. style Peronist probably be from within. "
The other position is represented by the Peronist accompanying Macri, as the Minister of Public Space, Diego Santilli, "I love a Peronist candidate or candidate for vice president of Mauritius, as an added value when walking the country and governance, "he said.
In this option, enter the options of Peronism vice Federal: Sola, Ramon Puerta and Das Neves. The latter, the macrista been studying closely what: Peronist and interior is
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