Randazzo and Gildo Insfran presenting the new identity card for Formosa.
Que linda! tell policy, but do not want (do not complain after defending Moyano Momo).
was better to say nothing ...
said Florencio Randazzo, Minister of Interior:
"Insfrán is a very good governor, with a great management"
"We from the national government have a political project that has an economic, a social model and a cultural model, we have put the state in another place, a far more active and this is reflected in the Argentine provinces and with much more intensity in Formosa "
" the very good management of the Governor in regard to social infrastructure and road works in education and today this issue of road safety I've found that are working very hard and very well. "
said Gildo Insfran, governor of Formosa;
"Therefore, just as we leave a successful year was 2010, we are confident that 2011 will be much better, full of accomplishments as we usually do in the province"
http://www.siempreformosa.com.ar / final.php? id = 19150
More information: http://comunidadlaprimavera.blogspot.com/
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