And if .... another mime the basic Kirchner. Cristina
included HPV vaccine in the official schedule vaccination and my wife exploded with joy.
course, tell their male partners, both brothel by a vaccine?
human papilloma virus is contracted by both men and by women, the difference is that the most serious effects are developed in women.
Spread is primarily sexual, it can also be purchased through other channels but is unusual. Condoms only reduce the risk of transmission but spread is highly feasible even with its use.
Argentina Society of Pediatrics says that "women are at risk of getting an oncogenic HPV infection from their sexual debut and this risk persists during sexual activity, [being] the peak incidence of infection between 16 and 20 years. Adolescents may have an increased susceptibility to HPV infection due to decreased production of cervical mucus, which serves as a protective barrier as part of innate immunity against infectious agents. "
few years ago, was approved two vaccines to prevent 16 and 18 subtypes of HPV that cause about 70% of cancer cases. The commercial name of the vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix, and are designed for women between 10 and 25. The vaccine provides antibodies to the HPV virus does not affect the body. Gardasil also protects against subtypes that cause genital warts, was first offered to the public and consists of two doses, which cost $ 300 each. Cervarix was launched two years ago and is administered in three doses of about $ 100 each. Studies can not yet specify how often you need a booster. php
(for adverse reactions to the vaccine, click the link up here of the Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría)
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